jingwei deng

I am Jingwei Deng, jewelry artist and industrial designer currently based in RI/MA, United States,  with a Chinese culture background. I specialize in jewelry making, CAD modeling and additive manufacturing. I think about design theories. I like to discuss and explore how interaction between humans and objects could potentially change our behavior. My style and artistic expressions are inspired by cyberpunks and Asian culture.

Being a maker makes me happy, but thinking about the reason for making puts me in a dilemma. Most things I want to make, I can’t logistify their reason to exist other than “I want to make them”. In a time when products are not made to last anymore due to planned obsolescence in our current economy, my passion for jewelry comes from a place where jewelry is made to last forever. The materiality of metal for jewelry making is also just amazing. Jewelry is a perfect medium for me to express myself as an artist.

Learning has always been a big part of my life. There is no perfect answer to every question. Exploring how to look at the same question from different angles is my biggest learning task.

I’m still in my 20s, still confused about why things are how they are all the time, still wondering who I am and where I’m going constantly. I want this website to be a place for not just the perfectly finished work, but also for imperfect student projects, unfinished progress. Things that I wrote five years ago make me feel embarrassed now reading it myself. But that’s okay. I hope you find them okay too.
